Tuesday, September 2, 2008

True Media Colors

I thought I had seen everything, but these latest attacks against McCain and Palin really go too far. Maybe the media knows that Sarah is one tough cookie and can stand up to their attacks. So now they resort to picking on a 17 year old. Bristol has nothing to do with the politics of her Mother and should not be made to feel like her actions affect her Mother's career. Is it really necessary for the media to try and drag the daughter of a candidate through the mud just because you disagree with her Mother's politics? Shame on you all!
Do you in the media have any idea what your attacks might be doing to Bristol? Do you care? Do any of you have children? Would you want your child to have to go through any of this simply because of your politics? Where is your compassion!
There used to be a time when a reporter worked to publish a story because it was a newsworthy piece. I don't know what happened to the scruples that used to be a part of reporting the news. All I see is an agenda. You report the stories you wish to make public and keep quiet about those which make you wince. Well, your credibility has gone right down the drain.
You may have forgotten that in the age of instant information we don't rely on you anymore. You are slanting your news right into irrelevance.

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