Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin

Can I just tell you............I am extremely excited about Sarah!!!!!
She's fresh, not someone in the Washington political circles. She gives me the impression of "kick ass and take names"!!!!
This is exactly what this country needs! For the past eight years we've been inundated with messages of fear. We've been forcefed the Patriot Act! " (If you don't stand behind it, you're un-american) A bunch of secrecy, "do as I say" rhetoric. In the meantime, spending is out of control, values are not what what they used to be, morals are off track. What's next? In situatations such as where this country is now, it's a good thing we have term limits. That doesn't even take into account where Congress is. They're a piece of work by themselves.
I saw a video of Sara Palin asking what it is the VP actually does day to day. I ask same question. Does anyone know??? Apart from casting that swing vote? For the past eight years all I've heard was health check ups or a shooting accident. What exactly does the VP do day to day? Let me see........With John McCain's foreign policy ability and Sara Palin's ability and courage to get rid of corruption, she can clean up Washington and John can take care of the world!!!!! That will keep them busy for awhile.
I say that's a perfect fit!!!! This is better than any super-hero movie. This is for real!
You know,,,,,Barack's circles are saying that this shuts down John's claim of Obama's inexperience because Sara doesn't have experience either. Well, Sara isn't running for the top job, Barack is.
Is Barack ready? Is he even a candidate or is he just the party? Is he the turtle on the fence post?

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